Passion for Design

I have always been a tinkerer and a designer with strong emphasis on engineering.  

My work is about the relationships people have with the objects they interact with on a daily basis.  I create physical and visual relationships that enhance not only the way a user perceives the object, but also how that person interacts with it.  I make every effort to create designs that require users to think differently about the components of everyday objects.  I focus strongly on physical prototypes with heavy usage of user testing and observation.  Every project starts with a prototype or mock-up so I can see if the design feels right or if I need to make a change.  I find exploring new methods of making things leads to insights in manufacturing or prototyping that otherwise might be missed.  Good design is a balance of engineering and design.  

I was always taught to be a leader and the experiences from earning my Eagle Scout, leading as the President of my college fraternity, and pushing to lead teams in my current role have helped me define who I am.  I love pushing and enabling others do their best work and being surprised by the results.  I aspire to lead other designers with the same outlook on design as I do.