Life is an Adventure... if you choose to make it one


 A love for new things

I was raised in a small town in northern Illinois where my parents pushed my siblings and I to work hard, try new things, and explore.  The experiences I had when I was young left an impression because I still find myself looking for new adventures.  I have an insatiable appetite for new hobbies and sports.  During the summers you can often find me beer brewing with my friends, road racing, hiking, mountain biking, camping, and cooking.  During the winters I am often tinkering with new ideas, woodworking, and my wife and I often travel with friends exploring new ski and snowboard destinations.  I have found that the best times are had with the company of like minded friends.  These relationships in and outside of work have helped me grow and reach new goals for myself and my family.  I find joy in creating new things and sharing them with others.